Feb 9, 2024

New Load of Hope Is Coming—© Powered by DME&JDE Group

On the road of pursuing dreams, thanks for having you!

Today, we gather together to celebrate the company's annual event!

Thank you for every partner's hard work and trust in support, let us in the pursuit of dreams on the road hand in hand, create brilliant!

Riding the wind and waves,dreaming of traveling together

New starting point, new leap

In the past year of 2023, we have experienced many challenges and opportunities together. Thank you all for your efforts and companionship, which have contributed to the development of the group. In the new year, we will not forget our original intention and continuously improve our competitiveness and market position; At the same time, we also look forward to a better tomorrow and strive hard for the group to reach a higher level.

Inherit past traditions and break new ground for the future

DME&JDE FLUID HOSE DIVISION Year-end commendation conference

In the past year, with outstanding performance and outstanding performance, you have become outstanding employees of the company and made positive contributions to the stable development of the company. Your efforts and dedication have not only earned recognition and praise from the company, but have also become role models and role models for other employees to learn from.

As excellent employees, you have always maintained a high level of enthusiasm and responsibility in your work, constantly pursuing excellence, daring to innovate, and contributing your wisdom and strength to the development of the company. You are a valuable asset to the company and also the backbone of its future development.

In the past year, these excellent teams have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company with a high sense of responsibility and mission, overcoming various difficulties and striving hard. Their work quality and efficiency have been greatly improved, while also cultivating a group of excellent talents for the company.

The success of these excellent teams cannot be separated from the joint efforts and dedication of each member. They work together, support each other, constantly learn and improve, and interpret the company's core values and spiritual outlook through practical actions. They are role models for us to learn from and valuable assets for our company.

With both virtue and talent, the time will come


In addition to the awards for outstanding employees, outstanding teams, and meritorious employees, the company has specially prepared a lucky draw to thank everyone for their hard work and selfless dedication in the past year, which has contributed to the growth and development of the company.

I hope this lucky draw can bring good luck and a good mood to everyone, and I also hope that everyone will continue to maintain an excellent work state and spiritual outlook in the new year, contributing more wisdom and strength to the development of the company!